Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quirky, Quirky, Quirky Me

I have been tagged.

Jane tagged me. Here are the rules, if you care about rules:
Link the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules in your blog.
Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag a new set of six bloggers by linking them
Six quirks about me....

Oh no. The rules say "unspectacular quirks." Are my quirks unspectacular enough for me to follow this rule? Perhaps I shall disregard this rule.

Quirk #1 is:

I guess that I should put in a little disclaimer here that the quirks are listed in a random order, so quirk #1 does not mean that it is my most unspectacular, bizarre, or rampant quirk- it just means that it was the order that I posted them in. Now that I have said this jolly little disclaimer, we can continue on to explore the quirks of Just me.

Proceed with caution. This could very well be somewhat disturbing and frightening.

Quirk # 1
I am just a little OCD. Ha ha. Yes, it it truly wonderful- and a quirk of being slightly OCD is that it has all these sub-quirks. I will catch you if you do not wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and if I am unsure about whether or not you washed your hands, I'll ask. Just ask my cousins. They know that cold, bitter truth, but so do I. They know that they've been caught several times, and that if they make another attempt, I'll catch 'em again, 'cause I'm kinda quirky like that.

Quirk #2
I crack my toes. Can you crack your toes?

Quirk #3
I have to sleep with some of my covers tucked in behind my head, covering my head., even in the summer. Freaky.

Quirk #4
I pet my braid. I can't help it.

Quirk #5
I tap my nails on hard surfaces and drive my wondrous family crazy. I tap my nails together, and drive my family crazy.

Quirk #6
I "embellish" my burps. Lori has said that she does not know how or why I do this. I am sorry for her trauma, but I can not truthfully say that I am very sorry, for I am not very sorry. If I am listening to music, I burp in time to the music. I bet you didn't want or need to hear that, but it's too late now, is it not?

Quirk #7 (thank you, Lori, for prolonging my dear reader's torture.)
I make little dog calls consisting of trills and almost yodels. I can not help this. It is in my blood. I've got proof.


Lori L said...

You burp in time to music? you BURP in time to music?!?!?!
OK, ok, I know and have experienced first hand all your OCD tendencies and I tolerate them in all their freaky variations, but... this burping thing???? Jane did not know what she was unleashing when she tagged you for quirks.

Jane said...

Thanks for 'answering' my tag.
I had never been tagged OR tagged anyone before. :)
I got a kick out of your quirks.
I crack my toes too. I used to more when I was younger. Now they don't pop near as much as they used to or as much as I would like them too!
And my dd does the burping thing too. It's like she can't help it (so she says...) but it seems to me that the louder they are the more she likes it.
I'll have to ask her if she burps to music. LOL
And people MUST wash their hand after using the bathroom! YIKES!
I had a babysitting parent here yesterday change her son's dirty diaper & she did NOT wash her hands. I could NOT believe it. And, I also had hand santitizer sitting right there, right within reach. GROSS!
Thanks Katie! :)
Hey, did you see my pic today? It's one of the many storm clouds (cloud walls) we've had pass over us. This one was from Sunday afternoon, when our forecast said no rain or storms all day! LOL