A while ago, the Snack King managed to order a
Random Bag of Crap. In it were six magical fairy calenders. We were overjoyed, but we had no idea what to do with them. It was an issue of great debate in my house. They could not be given to just anyone, for the fairies were nekkid, and thus not entirely suitable for everyone as is. It was finally decided that Lori and I would, somehow, draw little dresses on the fairies in two of the calenders, and give them to my five year old cousin. It was especially necessary that the fairies have clothes on them due to the fact that my cousin has a couple of older brothers who would get far more excited over fairies than any boy should if they were given to my little cousin in their original state.
Putting dresses on the fairies proved to be more difficult than was originally thought.

First we started with gel pens. They seemed like they would be a good choice.

There were lots of colors, and some of them were sparkley with magical glittery fairy dust.
Unfortunately, they didn't work.

Then we tried colored pencils.

They did not quite have the coverage that we desired.

Then we tried markers.

Here's Lori's. She, as well as I, felt that this was too see-through, and thus too racy for my little cousin.

Here's mine.She's all blinged out.

But the marker left the picture gunky, and it could be wiped right off.

Then we got out the paint, and the glitter, and the true Adventure began . . .
Being the proud owner of TWO of these marvelous creations, I am REALLY looking forward to reading about this adventure!!!!
And looks like fun!
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