Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I forgot what- Stream of Consciousness writing
I'm going to write stream of consciousness wring. That was not a very smoothe first sentence. Eh, at least it got me started. I need to put on music. I can hear James Bond through the wall. That sounds bad. Ah, that music- it is all better now. Now what do I say? When writing stream of consciousness writing, do you edit your thoughts? That sounds bad, but I do mean it. I keep forgetting the i in writing. This could go on for a long time. Maybe too long. I think I'm getting repetitive. Blogger has an auto save. It frightens me, but I think that it is a good idea. Why did I spell smooth with an e on it above? That is funky. Funky in a good way. I think it looks better with an e at the end. C'mon music, start the next song. I want a koka. No on will know what that is. Maybe I should tell them. Perhaps I should explain my train of thought that led me to that declaration. That is part of the problem with stream of consciousness writing. You sometimes must explain things that make perfect sense to you. In order to full explain this, I must take a short intermission. Excuse me- why am I asking for you to excuse me- let's not get into that--- Intermission continues-
Heh- let's offer no explanation, and keep them guessing. that's all that matters, anyway. These are my thoughts, and I can think whatever I wanna think. At least, that's what I was under the impression I was able to do. What if I'm wrong. Oh, horror! People reading your thoughts. Let's change the subject. Do I really say 'let's change the subject' when I'm really thinking? I shall have to pay closer attention to that. Is this really stream of consciousness writing? How much more streamy can it get? Ha, let's take out that 'r.' Yeah, that's more like it. Now I am trying to think of worthy thoughts to write down, besides 'my neck is/was itching.' Is slash was? I . . . great thoughts suffer not to come my direction. Let's take a vitamin c. Oh no. I'm doing that let's thing again. They're going to think you're crazy, just me. Change subject, do not use let's, we, or you in reference to self. Self in singular. Selves is plural. It's a lonely world. My face itched. I don't want to say that. You did just say it. Yeah. Again- 'it's a lonely world.' I just quoted myself. Everyone is going to think that I am crazy. I think that I would rather be slightly crazy and eccentric but happy, than a normal loser who is unhappy. Let's all forget that I said that, and this let's means you and I. Oh! I feel poetic! Make it stop! But no, I prefer feeling poetic to other things. I like this music. How fast can I type? I have to look a the keyboard. The thoughts, they come faster and faster, racing for the destiny of the blog! Whatever shall happen next?! Let's make a new paragraph for ease of reading
I usually don't write this much. I hope that it does not hurt anyone's eyes to read this because I have nearly white type on a black background. I have two Black Mamba energy drink bottles on my desk. I shall try not to become an energy drink junkie. Let's change subject. Ooh! I just read back over my thoughts, and they are interesting! That was probably a bit too positive of a positive self-talk. Post-it notes. No- I don't want to think about that- not post-it notes, something else. I bet Jedi robes are comfortable. I would like one. I would like a Yoda backpack. Then I could run around with it. People will probably think badly of it, and think that it is strange, but who says they don't think that way of me, any way? Ha, let's just forget them and have fun. Looking-glass self. Is that really who I want to be? Who else am I supposed to be? Be happy. No. There is a song. I don't like it when some songs get stuck in my head. I like this music. I want her other CD. It has 'Koka' on it. My desk is littered with uncomfortable things I want to forget. So then let's forget them. I don't want to think about it. Antibacterial hand gel. It might disinfect your hands, but it does not make them clean. Only water will. I find psychological disorders fascinating, but let's not get into that, or people shall think that you have one. People!
People, people everywhere
All at me they sit and stare
Without manners, without care!
You stupid people everywhere!
I said that I was feeling poetic. Sometimes it just comes, but the moment needs to be right. The words, they just come to me so easily. Now they shall think that you are a freak. Freak. Why do people call other people freaks? I think that my thoughts are getting too deep, and must be censored before public consumption. Consumption? That is . . . perhaps not the best word choice.
Oh! It's Christmas music time! I should put some of that in. I would like to go off to a snowy world somewhere. I like snow. My family doesn't. I have always felt a little bit of guilt over that. It is like I cannot share such a simple commonality with them as that. Is commonality a word, or did I make it up? It could become a word. Many words that were not are, or become. It is a word. Spell check says it is. Spell check don't know everything, so if spell check knows a word, you betcha that word is. Is real. Let's be theoretical. No, I think that it has passed. I know of some groovy music. I like that word. It's retro, but it has such deep meaning and feeling to it. It is from before my time, and yet during my time as well. I was born in retro times. It's a sobering thought.
Heh- let's offer no explanation, and keep them guessing. that's all that matters, anyway. These are my thoughts, and I can think whatever I wanna think. At least, that's what I was under the impression I was able to do. What if I'm wrong. Oh, horror! People reading your thoughts. Let's change the subject. Do I really say 'let's change the subject' when I'm really thinking? I shall have to pay closer attention to that. Is this really stream of consciousness writing? How much more streamy can it get? Ha, let's take out that 'r.' Yeah, that's more like it. Now I am trying to think of worthy thoughts to write down, besides 'my neck is/was itching.' Is slash was? I . . . great thoughts suffer not to come my direction. Let's take a vitamin c. Oh no. I'm doing that let's thing again. They're going to think you're crazy, just me. Change subject, do not use let's, we, or you in reference to self. Self in singular. Selves is plural. It's a lonely world. My face itched. I don't want to say that. You did just say it. Yeah. Again- 'it's a lonely world.' I just quoted myself. Everyone is going to think that I am crazy. I think that I would rather be slightly crazy and eccentric but happy, than a normal loser who is unhappy. Let's all forget that I said that, and this let's means you and I. Oh! I feel poetic! Make it stop! But no, I prefer feeling poetic to other things. I like this music. How fast can I type? I have to look a the keyboard. The thoughts, they come faster and faster, racing for the destiny of the blog! Whatever shall happen next?! Let's make a new paragraph for ease of reading
I usually don't write this much. I hope that it does not hurt anyone's eyes to read this because I have nearly white type on a black background. I have two Black Mamba energy drink bottles on my desk. I shall try not to become an energy drink junkie. Let's change subject. Ooh! I just read back over my thoughts, and they are interesting! That was probably a bit too positive of a positive self-talk. Post-it notes. No- I don't want to think about that- not post-it notes, something else. I bet Jedi robes are comfortable. I would like one. I would like a Yoda backpack. Then I could run around with it. People will probably think badly of it, and think that it is strange, but who says they don't think that way of me, any way? Ha, let's just forget them and have fun. Looking-glass self. Is that really who I want to be? Who else am I supposed to be? Be happy. No. There is a song. I don't like it when some songs get stuck in my head. I like this music. I want her other CD. It has 'Koka' on it. My desk is littered with uncomfortable things I want to forget. So then let's forget them. I don't want to think about it. Antibacterial hand gel. It might disinfect your hands, but it does not make them clean. Only water will. I find psychological disorders fascinating, but let's not get into that, or people shall think that you have one. People!
People, people everywhere
All at me they sit and stare
Without manners, without care!
You stupid people everywhere!
I said that I was feeling poetic. Sometimes it just comes, but the moment needs to be right. The words, they just come to me so easily. Now they shall think that you are a freak. Freak. Why do people call other people freaks? I think that my thoughts are getting too deep, and must be censored before public consumption. Consumption? That is . . . perhaps not the best word choice.
Oh! It's Christmas music time! I should put some of that in. I would like to go off to a snowy world somewhere. I like snow. My family doesn't. I have always felt a little bit of guilt over that. It is like I cannot share such a simple commonality with them as that. Is commonality a word, or did I make it up? It could become a word. Many words that were not are, or become. It is a word. Spell check says it is. Spell check don't know everything, so if spell check knows a word, you betcha that word is. Is real. Let's be theoretical. No, I think that it has passed. I know of some groovy music. I like that word. It's retro, but it has such deep meaning and feeling to it. It is from before my time, and yet during my time as well. I was born in retro times. It's a sobering thought.
Great Thoughts,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I embarrassed Wonder Boy
I waved at one of those little sign wavers that are sometimes outside of stores. He was wearing a clown suit. I couldn't help it. I had to.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
My very First Rockstar
Written while bored in Composition
Oh my goodness. I have had my very first sip of Rockstar. I feel strange. I feel alert and energized. It has not been enough time for the caffeine to take effect, but I can already feel the difference. It must be the placebo effect. I don't like its taste. It tastes unfortunate. I hope that I am not "sensitive to caffeine." I already feel twitchy. I can also feel the effect of the carbonation. Oh man. That I did not need
Oh my goodness. I have had my very first sip of Rockstar. I feel strange. I feel alert and energized. It has not been enough time for the caffeine to take effect, but I can already feel the difference. It must be the placebo effect. I don't like its taste. It tastes unfortunate. I hope that I am not "sensitive to caffeine." I already feel twitchy. I can also feel the effect of the carbonation. Oh man. That I did not need
-Write outline-
Sorry- I had to take notes. See that little dash? That's my note taking abilities taking over. Oh, I hate that feeling of disreality. Rockstar, dude. I like the word "dude." Its so fun to say. Oh no. Carbonation. Ya know, I think I'm gonna drink this Rockstar slowly. If I can feel the difference already, the "double strength, double can" would be extra potent. Tee hee! It makes me giddy! I'm in Comp. I should not feel giddy and twitchy in Comp. The teacher either must think I am a very good student, doing all this writing, or he thinks that I am starting a draft. I'm not. I feel very caffeine susceptible. This is bad. I have a test after Comp. I haven't felt this happy since I don't know when! Hee hee!

Oh dear! I'm on a second page. Is anyone reading what I'm writing? I wonder what they think. More Rockstar. The taste is growing one me, but the way the Rockstar makes me feel. Are they addictive? The first high is always the best. The brain develops a tolerance after that. I am learning something in psychology. I don't think that I should have anymore Rockstar for now. I'm gonna twitch my little tosies right out of this room! It's not that bad. Oh no. Carbonation.
Informative paper- 3 pages- Hey! Social sciences, psychology, and sociology are not soft sciences. They are very hard and interesting. Hey dude. You're texting. My tosies twitch. I got a Yoda action figure. It's 12:20 I guess he's letting us go free now, if we want. I think I'm just gonna hang around for a while longer- oh no. Carbonation- and talk to you. Whoah. That dude's got like a triple-can Monster with a screw on lid. I wish my Rockstar had a lid. I feel funny. Ha. You have "COMP" written on your notebook. I don't. My notebooks are color-coded, sorta. Blue is comp, purple is psychology, green is world cultures, red is sociology, and black is math. I am happy that the teacher changed the rough draft due today, to sometime this week. "Rough draft week" he called it. I still have half a Rockstar left. Should I? I don't feel sleepy. I feel awaked. I have awoken. Ha ha. I have a Rockstar, and you don't!

Oh no. Carbonation- my thoughts continue onto a third page. They are endless, and senseless, just like me. Rockstar, Rockstar, you have brought me so far, from my sleepiness, from my creepiness! Man, I do like you shoes. I have some like that, but they're brown. I like brown shoes. They're brown and swayed. That's not how you spell it, is it. I hope this Rockstar is intestinally pleasant. I am sorry.What am I going to do with this? Are these more "Great Thoughts?" Gasp (how do you write that?) Business math! Evil! Evil! I think that it would be really nice to have a seat by a window. I could stare out at the open blue sky, and I could dream. I could think of freedom and happy thoughts. I don't feel sleepy! Hee hee! How fun! No, not blue sky out window! Trees! Blue sky and trees! There's a beautiful world out there, and I'm stuck in here, writing my beautiful thoughts- oh no, carbonation. I'm sorry. I have another 10 minutes. Twitchy! Lots of people have left, but I continue to stay, to continue my sharing of my great thoughts. A new tradition has begun. It is beginning. A new age has begun. "His girlfriend's hot. I'm pretty good friends with her." That's nice. Funky beard. I wonder what its name is? Oh no. Carbonation. I hate this. I need to fill up this page before I go. Fill page, fill page. Then I can go to the next level. It rests above my head. I'm not sleepy. "Transformers is the s***. It's gay." Thanks for your second quote, dude. I am so blogging this.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Gamera Party
Last night, we had a Gamera party, complete with Gamera treats.

Here is a picture of the real Gamera:

Gamera is the giant flying turtle of Japan. He is the children's friend. He does not look the part, but he is the children's friend.
Early on in the evening, it was declared that Wonder Boy was the Children's Friend, because of his deep, sincere love for children.
We all happily ate our Gamera treats, until I found out about a horrible mistake I had made.
"Oh No! I ate Gamera Backwards!" You can see his little, glazed over chocolate eyeballs. It was really startling when I saw what I had done.
Then we started arguing over who Gamera should fight next. I said that we should have Gamera Vs. the Ancient Conquistador. Then I declared, "I like to say 'conquistador.' It's fun to say."
Other quotes:
Cool Man: "Wonder Boy is the last of his kind." Cool Man does not know how very true this is. Wonder Boy, I know you're reading this right now. The future depends upon you.
Mullet Man asked the infamous question, again: "Wonder Boy, can I touch you again?" It really does look worse in writing.
Lori: "Just Me, don't pull Wonder Boy's little leg hairs."
Me: "Long,"
Lori: "Long and silky."
Mullet Man has been planning to do a remake of Zontar, The Thing From Venus (a very horrible 50's sci-fi movie). We found out that he was planning on having it go in the wrong direction. Mullet Man planned to have Wonder Boy wear just a lab coat, and only a lab coat in it. Nothing else. Mullet Man claims that we misheard him.
I discovered I am really great with kids. When my little cousin Cool Man was trying to block my camera with his hand, I told him, "If you touch my camera lens, you will die the death of a thousand men, yet more so." It stopped him, and he did not seem to be too disturbed afterwards.
When the Gamera Vs. Sqid Monster battle appeared, it was almost too much for me.
"Squid Monster, Squid Monster,
Hurray, hurray!
If you come today,
Ole! Ole!"

Here is a picture of the real Gamera:
Gamera is the giant flying turtle of Japan. He is the children's friend. He does not look the part, but he is the children's friend.
Early on in the evening, it was declared that Wonder Boy was the Children's Friend, because of his deep, sincere love for children.
We all happily ate our Gamera treats, until I found out about a horrible mistake I had made.

Then we started arguing over who Gamera should fight next. I said that we should have Gamera Vs. the Ancient Conquistador. Then I declared, "I like to say 'conquistador.' It's fun to say."
Other quotes:
Cool Man: "Wonder Boy is the last of his kind." Cool Man does not know how very true this is. Wonder Boy, I know you're reading this right now. The future depends upon you.
Mullet Man asked the infamous question, again: "Wonder Boy, can I touch you again?" It really does look worse in writing.
Lori: "Just Me, don't pull Wonder Boy's little leg hairs."
Me: "Long,"
Lori: "Long and silky."
Mullet Man has been planning to do a remake of Zontar, The Thing From Venus (a very horrible 50's sci-fi movie). We found out that he was planning on having it go in the wrong direction. Mullet Man planned to have Wonder Boy wear just a lab coat, and only a lab coat in it. Nothing else. Mullet Man claims that we misheard him.
I discovered I am really great with kids. When my little cousin Cool Man was trying to block my camera with his hand, I told him, "If you touch my camera lens, you will die the death of a thousand men, yet more so." It stopped him, and he did not seem to be too disturbed afterwards.
When the Gamera Vs. Sqid Monster battle appeared, it was almost too much for me.
"Squid Monster, Squid Monster,
Hurray, hurray!
If you come today,
Ole! Ole!"
Update on Bigfoot Body
This has been known for a while now, but in case you did not hear, the bigfoot body is fake. It was just a costume filed with possum guts.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bigfoot Body Found
A body of what is believed to be a bigfoot was found in northern Georgia.
The pictures of the body were originally released here:
Searching for Bigfoot
More information can be found here and here.
If those don't load (due to overload of bandwidth), you can read about it here, and see the picture of it here.
More information will be released this Friday (the 15th).
The pictures of the body were originally released here:
Searching for Bigfoot
More information can be found here and here.
If those don't load (due to overload of bandwidth), you can read about it here, and see the picture of it here.
More information will be released this Friday (the 15th).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Chupacabra Caught on Video!
A chupacabra was caught on tape in DeWitt county, Texas.
News article and videos here.
Do you think it is a chupacabra, a mangy coyote, or something else? Please vote in the poll to the side.
News article and videos here.
Do you think it is a chupacabra, a mangy coyote, or something else? Please vote in the poll to the side.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My cousin, Mullet Man, was worried when he heard that I put what he said on my blog in this post. He was concerned about what all the readers of my blog might think of him. He wants to let you know that he likes girls, only girls, and not boys. He would like for me to give all of you a few messages from him:
He says, "I like Angelina Jolie's butt."
Brad Pitt, if you're reading this blog, Mullet Man wants to tell you something: "Listen up, Brad Pitt. You stink."
Mullet Man also says, "I love Kiera Knightly,"
A few more quotes from Mullet Man are:
"Wonder Boy, can I fart?"
"So, Wonder Boy, you're a ladie's man?"
"I'm gonna have my own show someday. It's gonna be called 'The Teachings of Mullet Man."
He says, "I like Angelina Jolie's butt."
Brad Pitt, if you're reading this blog, Mullet Man wants to tell you something: "Listen up, Brad Pitt. You stink."
Mullet Man also says, "I love Kiera Knightly,"
A few more quotes from Mullet Man are:
"Wonder Boy, can I fart?"
"So, Wonder Boy, you're a ladie's man?"
"I'm gonna have my own show someday. It's gonna be called 'The Teachings of Mullet Man."
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
World Music Network (the home of Rough Guide) has finally put out a CD of Mongolian music. From their label "Introducing" they have put out a CD introducing Hanggai from Inner Mongolia (part of China).
You can hear it at Amazon:
You can hear it at Amazon:
Monday, August 4, 2008
Charlton Heston's Butt
We were having a "party" and movie night last night. We were watching the 1959 version of Jule Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth when the following declaration was made by my male teenage cousin, whom I shall call Mullet Man.
"The only butt that I like seeing is-"
Lori and Wonder Boy tried to cut him off due to the presence of my younger cousins, but I begged for him to continue, due to my curiosity.
"The only butt that I like seeing is Charlton Heston's. It is a pretty cool butt."
I believe that this conversation was brought on by seeing Pat Boone shirtless.
"Manly!" as Mullet Man and I said.
The short shorts he wore in the movie were unanimously declared to be unmanly by all present.
"The only butt that I like seeing is-"
Lori and Wonder Boy tried to cut him off due to the presence of my younger cousins, but I begged for him to continue, due to my curiosity.
"The only butt that I like seeing is Charlton Heston's. It is a pretty cool butt."
I believe that this conversation was brought on by seeing Pat Boone shirtless.
"Manly!" as Mullet Man and I said.
The short shorts he wore in the movie were unanimously declared to be unmanly by all present.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
squrill dangerous
I would like to add that the person who searched for "squrill dangerous" ended up at the page "Dangerous, Very Dangerous."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Google Searches
I have been getting at least one Google search or Google picture search for "naked fairies" every day. The number one search that gets people to my blog is "naked fairies," at 17 searches. Stat counter doesn't keep track of Google image searches. If it did, this number would probably be nearly tripled. Also, this is not counting the different variations of "naked fairies," such as "naked fairy pictures," "naked fairies pictures," "naked fairy pics," and finally, and best of all, "boy fairies newed."
At least there was one search about faires that did not include the word "naked" or "newed," which was "fairys calender"
A few of the other good one that do not consist of fairies or nudity are:
crack my toes
boy mad pictures
squirrel coca cola
squirrel cola
what is mr skunk
fried vienna sausage
fried viennas
alas squirrel dead
mauling squirrels
squrill dangerous
I appreciate that someone else must realize that squirrels are dangerous, but it would be nice if they could spell "squirrel" correctly.
Oh, and I must add that this post will probably attract more of the naked fairy searches.
At least there was one search about faires that did not include the word "naked" or "newed," which was "fairys calender"
A few of the other good one that do not consist of fairies or nudity are:
crack my toes
boy mad pictures
squirrel coca cola
squirrel cola
what is mr skunk
fried vienna sausage
fried viennas
alas squirrel dead
mauling squirrels
squrill dangerous
I appreciate that someone else must realize that squirrels are dangerous, but it would be nice if they could spell "squirrel" correctly.
Oh, and I must add that this post will probably attract more of the naked fairy searches.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Rock On
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wordless Thursday
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
See the little butterfly!
It's floaty wings are gold
I wish to be a butterfly
But I can't be one I'm told
It makes me want to sit and cry
'Cause I wanna be a butterfly!
Shiny wings of silver and blue
Across the sky they flew and blew
Fluttery circles in my mind
I wanna be the most beautiful butterfly you can find!
But, they said
You can't be a butterfly
If you were, you'd be dead!
So now I want to cry
'Cause I wanna be a butterfly!
-Wonder Boy
You know, and interesting thing about this quote is that it was said by the amazing Wonder Boy while he was passed out on the floor after consuming too much tabasco sauce. The Wonder Boy denies ever saying such a thing, but this is not true. We all know that the Wonder Boy said it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Quirky, Quirky, Quirky Me
I have been tagged.
Jane tagged me. Here are the rules, if you care about rules:
Link the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules in your blog.
Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag a new set of six bloggers by linking them
Six quirks about me....
Oh no. The rules say "unspectacular quirks." Are my quirks unspectacular enough for me to follow this rule? Perhaps I shall disregard this rule.
Quirk #1 is:
I guess that I should put in a little disclaimer here that the quirks are listed in a random order, so quirk #1 does not mean that it is my most unspectacular, bizarre, or rampant quirk- it just means that it was the order that I posted them in. Now that I have said this jolly little disclaimer, we can continue on to explore the quirks of Just me.
Proceed with caution. This could very well be somewhat disturbing and frightening.
Quirk # 1
I am just a little OCD. Ha ha. Yes, it it truly wonderful- and a quirk of being slightly OCD is that it has all these sub-quirks. I will catch you if you do not wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and if I am unsure about whether or not you washed your hands, I'll ask. Just ask my cousins. They know that cold, bitter truth, but so do I. They know that they've been caught several times, and that if they make another attempt, I'll catch 'em again, 'cause I'm kinda quirky like that.
Quirk #2
I crack my toes. Can you crack your toes?
Quirk #3
I have to sleep with some of my covers tucked in behind my head, covering my head., even in the summer. Freaky.
Quirk #4
I pet my braid. I can't help it.
Quirk #5
I tap my nails on hard surfaces and drive my wondrous family crazy. I tap my nails together, and drive my family crazy.
Quirk #6
I "embellish" my burps. Lori has said that she does not know how or why I do this. I am sorry for her trauma, but I can not truthfully say that I am very sorry, for I am not very sorry. If I am listening to music, I burp in time to the music. I bet you didn't want or need to hear that, but it's too late now, is it not?
Quirk #7 (thank you, Lori, for prolonging my dear reader's torture.)
I make little dog calls consisting of trills and almost yodels. I can not help this. It is in my blood. I've got proof.
Mention the rules in your blog.
Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag a new set of six bloggers by linking them
Six quirks about me....
Oh no. The rules say "unspectacular quirks." Are my quirks unspectacular enough for me to follow this rule? Perhaps I shall disregard this rule.
Quirk #1 is:
I guess that I should put in a little disclaimer here that the quirks are listed in a random order, so quirk #1 does not mean that it is my most unspectacular, bizarre, or rampant quirk- it just means that it was the order that I posted them in. Now that I have said this jolly little disclaimer, we can continue on to explore the quirks of Just me.
Proceed with caution. This could very well be somewhat disturbing and frightening.
Quirk # 1
I am just a little OCD. Ha ha. Yes, it it truly wonderful- and a quirk of being slightly OCD is that it has all these sub-quirks. I will catch you if you do not wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and if I am unsure about whether or not you washed your hands, I'll ask. Just ask my cousins. They know that cold, bitter truth, but so do I. They know that they've been caught several times, and that if they make another attempt, I'll catch 'em again, 'cause I'm kinda quirky like that.
Quirk #2
I crack my toes. Can you crack your toes?
Quirk #3
I have to sleep with some of my covers tucked in behind my head, covering my head., even in the summer. Freaky.
Quirk #4
I pet my braid. I can't help it.
Quirk #5
I tap my nails on hard surfaces and drive my wondrous family crazy. I tap my nails together, and drive my family crazy.
Quirk #6
I "embellish" my burps. Lori has said that she does not know how or why I do this. I am sorry for her trauma, but I can not truthfully say that I am very sorry, for I am not very sorry. If I am listening to music, I burp in time to the music. I bet you didn't want or need to hear that, but it's too late now, is it not?
Quirk #7 (thank you, Lori, for prolonging my dear reader's torture.)
I make little dog calls consisting of trills and almost yodels. I can not help this. It is in my blood. I've got proof.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wonder Boy's Mad Dash Towards Wall Cloud
Yesterday, Wonder Boy was all excited over the storms. He knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to walk the dog. This meant "Just me, please give me an excuse to walk down the block and look at the clouds so the neighbor's don't think I'm crazy." I grabbed my camera and leashed up the dog, and we went outside. Standing in our driveway, I took time to take this picture:

He was heading at a mad pace towards this wall cloud. I followed him and stopped to take several pictures.
Then it started to rain. Then it started to rain harder. Suddenly, Wonder Boy found himself soaking wet, and a block from home. Wonder Boy felt happy because he likes storms, but he also felt unhappy because he was a block from home and was getting soaked. Then he felt happy again because his sister was also a block from home and getting soaked.

Wonder Boy headed for home, now that he had accomplished dragging his poor sister and the even poorer little dog out to get wet.

(Here's a closer picture of that little thingy in the picture. I don't know what it is, but it looks cool so I like it. It's kinda twisty, and it glows.)
After we got back, Wonder Boy discovered that there was a tornado warning for the very wall cloud that he had me and the poor little dog run for. Wonder Boy said that he had cut it closer than he would have wanted to, but the sinister gleam in his eye said that it was exactly how he wanted it to be because he likes to live life on the edge and chase after wall clouds on foot.

Here's a picture that I took from the front porch. The flash was on, so those white dots are water droplets, not orbs.

Then I looked over to where Wonder Boy was going

He was heading at a mad pace towards this wall cloud. I followed him and stopped to take several pictures.
Then it started to rain. Then it started to rain harder. Suddenly, Wonder Boy found himself soaking wet, and a block from home. Wonder Boy felt happy because he likes storms, but he also felt unhappy because he was a block from home and was getting soaked. Then he felt happy again because his sister was also a block from home and getting soaked.

Wonder Boy headed for home, now that he had accomplished dragging his poor sister and the even poorer little dog out to get wet.

Wonder Boy began to run while looking at the wall cloud.

(Here's a closer picture of that little thingy in the picture. I don't know what it is, but it looks cool so I like it. It's kinda twisty, and it glows.)
After we got back, Wonder Boy discovered that there was a tornado warning for the very wall cloud that he had me and the poor little dog run for. Wonder Boy said that he had cut it closer than he would have wanted to, but the sinister gleam in his eye said that it was exactly how he wanted it to be because he likes to live life on the edge and chase after wall clouds on foot.

Here's a picture that I took from the front porch. The flash was on, so those white dots are water droplets, not orbs.

Although they certainly do look like orbs.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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