Monday, March 19, 2007


For a while now, I have been one of the 25+ people my aunt sends her great forwards to (yes, they’re not sent Bcc). Yesterday, it was about bananas (glancing over it now, I see it says that bananas are a good cure for constipation, warts, and hangovers. It ended with the inspirational cry of “PASS IT ON TO YOUR FRIENDS”)

Today, it went back to the usual format: A subject line containing the word {UNCLASSIFIED}. It contained questions such as “ababaaabbbbaaaabbbb ababaabbaaabbbb (Ans. = long time no 'C')”

The best thing about it was the comments between the questions. I’ll let them speak for themselves; they do a lot of it:

“Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it.
OK . . Got the drift ?
Let's try a few now and see how you fare ?
Not having a good day now, are you ? Redeem yourself.
Not easy to figure out ha!
C'mon give it a little thought!!
U can prove u r smart by getting this one.
Oh no, not again!!
Now u messing up big time.
Not even close ! !
Okay last chance ........... ......
And the last one is real fundoo - - -“

It had the typical ending of:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I can only hope that she will somehow leave me off of the forward list, like she did to Fu-oo-yan. Until then, the delete button is my friend

1 comment:

Lori L said...

The forwards from your aunt are annoying. Just keep on hitting the delete button and ignore them. Tell yourself that you do not have to read them. I never read any of her forwards. It won't do any good to ask her to not forward you things. I did that about a year ago. She stopped for a few months and then started sending them again. This is a good lesson in email etiquette for you. Now that you have experienced many bothersome forwards you will be less likely to forward things on to other people unless they really are worth sharing.