Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Book Meme

I got this meme from the much celebrated Lori

Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? Paperback

Amazon or brick and mortar? Amazon (I mostly get world music here, though)

Barnes & Noble or Borders? Borders (I mostly get music here, too)

Bookmark or dogear? Nothing (I don’t dogear them or use a book mark; when I'm done, I just shut the book, and have hopefully remembered to look at what page number I'm on)

Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? Random, but with all the books by one author in one area.

Keep, throw away, or sell? Keep so far.

Keep dustjacket or toss it? Keep it.

Read with dustjacket or remove it? Start reading it with it, but when it gets in my way (typically on larger books) I take it off.

Short story or novel? Novel

Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)? Collection

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Neither

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? I try to stop at chapter breaks, but if I have to, I will stop in the middle of a chapter.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? Neither (they're a little overused), although if I had to choose, the former.

Buy or Borrow? Buy

New or used? Preferably new, or used in good condition (there’s nothing quite like happily reading a book, then finding a chunk of food in it)

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? Recommendation

Tidy ending or cliffhanger? Tidy ending usually

Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? Night and very early morning

Stand-alone or series? Either

Favorite series? The Lord of the Rings

Favorite children's book? Anne of Green Gables and the rest of that series

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? I don’t know.

Favorite books read last year?
Fiction: War and Peace
Nonfiction: Material World: A Global Family Portrait (Hungry Planet would be up there, too, but I didn’t finish it until this year)

Favorite books of all time? The Lord of the Rings

Least favorite book you finished last year? Thr3e

What are you reading right now? The Thirteenth Tale

What are you reading next? To Kill a Mockingbird (Yeah, I hope your happy, Lori. Don’t bug me about it anymore, or I might put off reading it some more. Perhaps then it would become the Pride and Prejudice of just me)

1 comment:

Lori L said...

Much celebrated, huh buttercup?

First you can read The Thirteenth Tale and then I have people who want to know if you liked it. After that, if you decide to Read To Kill a Mockingbird, you should. People will want to know how you liked that also. If you decide to wait on To Kill a Mockingbird, I'll re-read it and then read the biography of the author, Harper Lee. If you decide to read it you get first dibs on the biography (if you want to read it).

Oh, and when on earth did you find a chunk of food in a book? Was it a library book?