Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Creepy Gnome Poll Results

Here are the results of the Creepy Gnome poll:

What do you think the Creepy Gnome really is?

Creepy Gnome ....................................... 3 (13%)
Midget out having some fun.......................12 (54%)
Chupacabra.............................................3 (13%)
Things such as this frighten me,
and I would rather not think of them..........4 (18%)


Remember, although the majority of you think that it was just a midget out having fun, that doesn't mean that it wasn't really a Creepy Gnome, or that Creepy Gnomes do not exist. In fact, a Creepy Gnome could be watching you this very moment, waiting . . . just waiting. You don't know what it's waiting for, and neither do I. All that matters is that it is lurking outside. Perhaps it is waiting for you.

1 comment:

Lori L said...

You're really kind of frightening me... Do you think a creepy gnome could be in the bushes, outside the window, just looking in... watching me type this?