Here is a picture of the real Gamera:
Gamera is the giant flying turtle of Japan. He is the children's friend. He does not look the part, but he is the children's friend.
Early on in the evening, it was declared that Wonder Boy was the Children's Friend, because of his deep, sincere love for children.
We all happily ate our Gamera treats, until I found out about a horrible mistake I had made.

Then we started arguing over who Gamera should fight next. I said that we should have Gamera Vs. the Ancient Conquistador. Then I declared, "I like to say 'conquistador.' It's fun to say."
Other quotes:
Cool Man: "Wonder Boy is the last of his kind." Cool Man does not know how very true this is. Wonder Boy, I know you're reading this right now. The future depends upon you.
Mullet Man asked the infamous question, again: "Wonder Boy, can I touch you again?" It really does look worse in writing.
Lori: "Just Me, don't pull Wonder Boy's little leg hairs."
Me: "Long,"
Lori: "Long and silky."
Mullet Man has been planning to do a remake of Zontar, The Thing From Venus (a very horrible 50's sci-fi movie). We found out that he was planning on having it go in the wrong direction. Mullet Man planned to have Wonder Boy wear just a lab coat, and only a lab coat in it. Nothing else. Mullet Man claims that we misheard him.
I discovered I am really great with kids. When my little cousin Cool Man was trying to block my camera with his hand, I told him, "If you touch my camera lens, you will die the death of a thousand men, yet more so." It stopped him, and he did not seem to be too disturbed afterwards.
When the Gamera Vs. Sqid Monster battle appeared, it was almost too much for me.
"Squid Monster, Squid Monster,
Hurray, hurray!
If you come today,
Ole! Ole!"