Yesterday, Wonder Boy was all excited over the storms. He knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to walk the dog. This meant "Just me, please give me an excuse to walk down the block and look at the clouds so the neighbor's don't think I'm crazy." I grabbed my camera and leashed up the dog, and we went outside. Standing in our driveway, I took time to take this picture:

Then I looked over to where Wonder Boy was going

He was heading at a mad pace towards this wall cloud. I followed him and stopped to take several pictures.
Then it started to rain. Then it started to rain harder. Suddenly, Wonder Boy found himself soaking wet, and a block from home. Wonder Boy felt happy because he likes storms, but he also felt unhappy because he was a block from home and was getting soaked. Then he felt happy again because his sister was also a block from home and getting soaked.

Wonder Boy headed for home, now that he had accomplished dragging his poor sister and the even poorer little dog out to get wet.

Wonder Boy began to run while looking at the wall cloud.

(Here's a closer picture of that little thingy in the picture. I don't know what it is, but it looks cool so I like it. It's kinda twisty, and it glows.)
After we got back, Wonder Boy discovered that there was a tornado warning for the very wall cloud that he had me and the poor little dog run for. Wonder Boy said that he had cut it closer than he would have wanted to, but the sinister gleam in his eye said that it was exactly how he wanted it to be because he likes to live life on the edge and chase after wall clouds on foot.

Here's a picture that I took from the front porch. The flash was on, so those white dots are water droplets, not orbs.

Although they certainly do look like orbs.