Written while bored in Composition
Oh my goodness. I have had my very first sip of Rockstar. I feel strange. I feel alert and energized. It has not been enough time for the caffeine to take effect, but I can already feel the difference. It must be the placebo effect. I don't like its taste. It tastes unfortunate. I hope that I am not "sensitive to caffeine." I already feel twitchy. I can also feel the effect of the carbonation. Oh man. That I did not need
Oh my goodness. I have had my very first sip of Rockstar. I feel strange. I feel alert and energized. It has not been enough time for the caffeine to take effect, but I can already feel the difference. It must be the placebo effect. I don't like its taste. It tastes unfortunate. I hope that I am not "sensitive to caffeine." I already feel twitchy. I can also feel the effect of the carbonation. Oh man. That I did not need
-Write outline-
Sorry- I had to take notes. See that little dash? That's my note taking abilities taking over. Oh, I hate that feeling of disreality. Rockstar, dude. I like the word "dude." Its so fun to say. Oh no. Carbonation. Ya know, I think I'm gonna drink this Rockstar slowly. If I can feel the difference already, the "double strength, double can" would be extra potent. Tee hee! It makes me giddy! I'm in Comp. I should not feel giddy and twitchy in Comp. The teacher either must think I am a very good student, doing all this writing, or he thinks that I am starting a draft. I'm not. I feel very caffeine susceptible. This is bad. I have a test after Comp. I haven't felt this happy since I don't know when! Hee hee!

Oh dear! I'm on a second page. Is anyone reading what I'm writing? I wonder what they think. More Rockstar. The taste is growing one me, but the way the Rockstar makes me feel. Are they addictive? The first high is always the best. The brain develops a tolerance after that. I am learning something in psychology. I don't think that I should have anymore Rockstar for now. I'm gonna twitch my little tosies right out of this room! It's not that bad. Oh no. Carbonation.
Informative paper- 3 pages- Hey! Social sciences, psychology, and sociology are not soft sciences. They are very hard and interesting. Hey dude. You're texting. My tosies twitch. I got a Yoda action figure. It's 12:20 I guess he's letting us go free now, if we want. I think I'm just gonna hang around for a while longer- oh no. Carbonation- and talk to you. Whoah. That dude's got like a triple-can Monster with a screw on lid. I wish my Rockstar had a lid. I feel funny. Ha. You have "COMP" written on your notebook. I don't. My notebooks are color-coded, sorta. Blue is comp, purple is psychology, green is world cultures, red is sociology, and black is math. I am happy that the teacher changed the rough draft due today, to sometime this week. "Rough draft week" he called it. I still have half a Rockstar left. Should I? I don't feel sleepy. I feel awaked. I have awoken. Ha ha. I have a Rockstar, and you don't!

Oh no. Carbonation- my thoughts continue onto a third page. They are endless, and senseless, just like me. Rockstar, Rockstar, you have brought me so far, from my sleepiness, from my creepiness! Man, I do like you shoes. I have some like that, but they're brown. I like brown shoes. They're brown and swayed. That's not how you spell it, is it. I hope this Rockstar is intestinally pleasant. I am sorry.What am I going to do with this? Are these more "Great Thoughts?" Gasp (how do you write that?) Business math! Evil! Evil! I think that it would be really nice to have a seat by a window. I could stare out at the open blue sky, and I could dream. I could think of freedom and happy thoughts. I don't feel sleepy! Hee hee! How fun! No, not blue sky out window! Trees! Blue sky and trees! There's a beautiful world out there, and I'm stuck in here, writing my beautiful thoughts- oh no, carbonation. I'm sorry. I have another 10 minutes. Twitchy! Lots of people have left, but I continue to stay, to continue my sharing of my great thoughts. A new tradition has begun. It is beginning. A new age has begun. "His girlfriend's hot. I'm pretty good friends with her." That's nice. Funky beard. I wonder what its name is? Oh no. Carbonation. I hate this. I need to fill up this page before I go. Fill page, fill page. Then I can go to the next level. It rests above my head. I'm not sleepy. "Transformers is the s***. It's gay." Thanks for your second quote, dude. I am so blogging this.