I have been getting at least one Google search or Google picture search for "naked fairies" every day. The number one search that gets people to my blog is "naked fairies," at 17 searches. Stat counter doesn't keep track of Google image searches. If it did, this number would probably be nearly tripled. Also, this is not counting the different variations of "naked fairies," such as "naked fairy pictures," "naked fairies pictures," "naked fairy pics," and finally, and best of all, "boy fairies newed."
At least there was one search about faires that did not include the word "naked" or "newed," which was "fairys calender"
A few of the other good one that do not consist of fairies or nudity are:
crack my toes
boy mad pictures
squirrel coca cola
squirrel cola
what is mr skunk
fried vienna sausage
fried viennas
alas squirrel dead
mauling squirrels
squrill dangerous
I appreciate that someone else must realize that squirrels are dangerous, but it would be nice if they could spell "squirrel" correctly.
Oh, and I must add that this post will probably attract more of the naked fairy searches.